Research & development

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The R&D team at IRCAD is a group of innovative researchers from diverse fields who are dedicated to developing cutting-edge medical technologies to benefit patients globally. Their mission focuses on improving patient outcomes through three core areas: scientific research, clinical implementation, and talent cultivation. They conduct research, collaborate with industry partners, and publish academic work in their scientific research. They also address clinical needs, conduct testing and validation, and provide talent cultivation through training and internships.

3D model reconstruction

3D model reconstruction and augmented reality technology, where the 3D models are created through the use of computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or other medical imaging systems. We have successfully completed the reconstruction of thousands of medical images. 

By aligning the 3D model with the patient’s surgical site in 3D space, we have been able to obtain augmented reality images using an augmented reality headset. 

Our team has previously executed multiple projects, such as using augmented reality to assist in bone cement injection for spinal puncture, reducing radio exposure from X-rays; utilizing augmented reality to aid in locating and removing parathyroid glands during hyperparathyroidism surgery; assisting in temporomandibular joint puncture with augmented reality; and utilizing optical navigation systems to reposition brain gyrus under a microscope, correcting the issue of traditional surgical navigation systems failing due to brain shift after craniotomy. 

This innovative approach has enabled us to improve surgical precision, reduce the risk of errors, and enhance patient safety during minimally invasive procedures. With the ability to visualize patient-specific anatomical structures in real-time, surgeons can perform complex surgeries with greater accuracy and confidence, ultimately leading to better clinical outcomes. Our 3D model reconstruction and augmented reality technology has also been utilized for medical education and training. 

By creating realistic models of human anatomy, trainees can practice and hone their skills in a simulated environment, without putting patients at risk.


MedicalTek is a medical device company that was spun off from the R&D team of Minimally Invasive Center. 

The company specializes in the development and production of advanced medical equipment designed to improve surgical precision and patient outcomes. MedicalTek’s flagship products include the Darwin 3D endoscope visualization system and the Lascaux 4K3D medical recorder.

The Lascaux 4K3D medical recorder is a high-definition recording system with dual-channel input capabilities, capable of recording both 2D and 3D medical images in real-time. It can capture the 3D images generated by the Darwin system, as well as other surgical procedures such as those performed with the da Vinci surgical robot or 3D microscopes. This recorder provides medical professionals with high-quality imaging data that can be used for training, research, and analysis purposes. MedicalTek is dedicated to advancing medical technology and improving patient outcomes through the development of cutting-edge medical devices.

The Darwin endoscope 2D-to-3D conversion system is an innovative technology that can instantly transform 2D endoscopic images into real-time 3D structures. The device is designed to work in tandem with conventional 2D endoscopes, and it uses advanced algorithms to calculate the depth of anatomical structures in real-time. This technology has revolutionized the field of endoscopy, allowing surgeons to view surgical sites in 3D, leading to improved surgical outcomes and reduced risks for patients.

The iSuture is a training kit designed for minimally invasive surgery, integrating a suturing training platform with a laparoscopic learning system. It provides realistic laparoscopic surgery scenarios through a high-quality display screen, replicating endoscopic operations in real-time.

The kit features an elastic and soft suture pad that closely resembles human tissue, placed on a durable, abrasion-resistant acrylic tabletop. Moreover, its scratch-resistant construction ensures durability. When connected to the internet, the iSuture transforms into a versatile tool for remote learning, aiding novices in expediting their learning curve.

WebSurg - IRCAD's online university

“WebSurg (World Electronic Book of Surgery) is the free online university of IRCAD. Created in 2000 by Professor Jacques Marescaux and his teams, WebSurg specializes in minimally invasive surgery. The goal of the site is to showcase the latest medical and surgical techniques. It was created by surgeons, for surgeons, and has become the international reference for online training in minimally invasive surgery with over 430,000 members and 4,000 available videos.”