Asian Institute of TeleSurgery

IRCAD Taiwan underlined title

The largest and most advanced training center in Asia.
A new age of Asian Tele-healthcare and a leader in minimally invasive surgery.

List of the next courses

IRCAD Taiwan underlined title

IRCAD offers an exceptional training facility, which welcomes over 8,800 surgeons from all surgical specialties every year. The exceptional involvement and self-commitment of more than 800 international experts is key to the Institute’s success.

In addition, IRCAD is constantly developing its research departments in the field of computer and robotic technologies applied to surgery, in order to always remain in synch with the latest technological developments.



November 9, 2024


November 10, 2024


April 23, 2024


April 23, 2024


April 26, 2024


April 26, 2024


March 14, 2024


March 15, 2024


November 28, 2024


November 30, 2024


April 20, 2024


April 20, 2024


March 2, 2023


March 2, 2023


September 21, 2024


September 22, 2024

WebSurg - IRCAD's online university

“WebSurg (World Electronic Book of Surgery) is the free online university of IRCAD. Created in 2000 by Professor Jacques Marescaux and his teams, WebSurg specializes in minimally invasive surgery. The goal of the site is to showcase the latest medical and surgical techniques. It was created by surgeons, for surgeons, and has become the international reference for online training in minimally invasive surgery with over 430,000 members and 4,000 available videos.”